Doing research is my passion! Writing about it inspires me!

Join me on the challenging research path! After all, high quality research makes curious and asks for more.

Applied research

In the broadest sense of the word

Research advice for professionals and knowledge institutions. Research supervision. Workshops, guest lectures and short courses. Critical friend in quality control, especially in applied research.


Onderzoek en tekenen!

Onderzoek en tekenen. Wat hebben deze twee met elkaar te maken. Lees meer hierover in mijn blog.
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15 jaar Monitor Talent naar de Top

Gisteren presenteerden wij de resultaten van de Monitor Talent naar de Top 2023. Meer lezen?
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Stichting Talent naar de Top
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Project Cities of Refuge
Hogeschool AVANS
Schouten University of Applied Sciences