About me

I am passionate about research. With an analytic mind, I have an open, critical and independent attitude towards research. And, I gladly motivate everybody to start doing research. Applied research has become increasingly important in our society, in which I play an inspiring and distinctive role.

Having a background as a Sociologist and as a specialist in research methodology and statistics, I am known for my research dedication and hard work.

As I’m an expert in a wide variety of research methods, I gained a lot of experience doing research on a broad range of topics, such as (cultural and gender) diversity, social domain, (mental) health care, economy, education, and even in midwifery- and veterinary research. I’m also an experienced leader in research, having led many research – and educational teams.

As a statistician I’m familiar with a broad range of statistical techniques. For more than twenty years, I taught research courses and statistics in higher education. To this day I supervise students with their bachelor-, master and phd-theses. Lastly, over the past few years I gained a lot of management experience and expertise in regards with mentoring educational innovations in higher education.

Writing about research inspires me a great deal, for this enables me to share my passion with students, researchers and teachers. My most famous work is ‘Doing Research’ (in Dutch ‘Wat is Onderzoek’), a textbook for applied research in higher education. This book is used at most colleges in The Netherlands and it is seen as a standard work in research methodology.

Besides, I write a blog on my experiences as a researcher, writher and consultant. Curious? Go to my blog.


Research results have become increasingly important as a fundament for making policy decisions, setting up organizations, implementing plans and measures and guiding changes. I inspire people and organizations when designing and carrying out research and I help them interpreting and disseminating the results. Research is something you simply have to do!